
Hawthorne Consulting has supported government departments and not-for-profits (NFPs) for more than 15 years. A sample of these projects include:

  • Supporting a community services program with complex linked data analysis. 
  • Supporting a community services department develop a better funding model to support NFPs delivering homelessness services.
  • Supporting a health department with a better clinical services plan.
  • Supporting a mining industry regulator better respond to incidents of sexual assault.
  • Supporting a health department better understand the prevalence of serious incidents in residential aged care and home care services.
  • Supporting a NFP develop a better risk management framework.
  • Supporting a health department better understand and improve the quality of services in aged care.
  • Supporting an education department better support schools deliver mental health and wellbeing services to students.
  • Supporting a NFP with a healthcare service delivery focus develop a better 10 year workforce plan.
  • Supporting a mental health commission better understand the appropriateness, effectiveness and efficiency of funded services. 
  • Supporting a health department better consolidate insights from its largest ever community consultation exercise.

Services I have provided to these departments and NFPs have often involved:


Experience in all types of evaluations - process, formative, summative, impact, outcome and more. Most importantly we deliver evaluation reports that provide clear directions for the program funders and service providers.

Services include:

  • Rapid program evaluation.
  • Program logic and evaluation framework design and development.
  • Multi-year program monitoring and evaluation.
  • Community consultation.


Linked Data Analysis

Experience in using and building linked data sets between community service programs and government administrative data. There are new data sets, such as those held by PeopleWA, that can provide a range of valuable insights at program or community level. Our experience includes linked data projects with both State and Commonwealth Governments. A State Government project involved linking a care coordination program with emergency department presentations. A Commonwealth Government project involved comparing time to employment outcomes for young people between a new and existing program.

Services include:

  • Supporting organisations with applications for linked data and building linkage keys.
  • Providing community level insights from linked data.
  • Statistical inference and use of analytical techniques such as survival analysis (e.g. time to employment).


Business Cases

Experience in supporting all the workstreams that sit in and around the development of a successful business case. From situation analysis, stakeholder feedback and alignment, cost-benefit analysis, options and preferred option implementation plan.

Services include:

  • Requirements gathering.
  • Building business case evidence base.
  • Ensuring senior executive engagement and support for the business case.
  • Developing business cases aligned to Government Frameworks (e.g. Strategic Asset Management Framework).
  • Reporting to business case “boards.”


Strategic Reviews

Experience in undertaking reviews from the large and complex (e.g. $15 billion health agreements) to rapid, timely and targeted reviews. These reviews provide clear insights, implications and recommendations to the organisation's leadership.

Services include:

  • Regulatory capability reviews.
  • Reviews of health and aged care funding agreements.
  • Development of public facing reports and supporting material (e.g. messages from leadership).


Health and human service analytics

Experience with a variety of health and human service datasets and analytical methods. This includes hospital data, population data, primary care data and administrative data sets (e.g. MBS, PBS, DSS payments).  

Services include:

  • Building the evidence base for current demand and forecasting future demand.
  • Building data collection tools and automated reporting flows.
  • Providing clear analytical insights to enable executive decision making.


Stakeholder Consultation

Experience in undertaking consultation across Australia from the boardroom to the community. This includes engaging with senior executives to listening to students, teachers and residents of remote Australian communities.

Services include:

  • Designing tailored consultation approaches for specific cohorts e.g. students, consumers of health and aged care services and professionals.
  • Providing stakeholders multiple channels and opportunities to provide input into issues that matter to them.